Greek salad

There are no real rules about Greek salad, but there are key ingredients. My version has the following:

1 beefsteak tomato, or the equivalent in small tomatoes, coarsely chopped

red onion, a bit more than a quarter of a whole onion, somewhat finely chopped

about six Kalamata olives, chopped

half a small cucumber, chopped into large dice

Bulgarian, Israeli, or ‘sweet’ feta cheese, in chunks (set on top rather than mixed in, as this will break the cheese up too much)

finely snipped fresh basil leaves, about one to 1½ tablespoons

salt, pepper, and generous drizzle of cold-pressed olive oil

Note: If you really want lettuce as well, lettuce doesn’t spoil a Greek salad. Add your leaves and consider it more interesting!

The salad, just before the last-minute sprinkling of the sea salt and drizzling of the olive oil. Note, however, the abundance of fresh-ground black pepper!