Amanda Brighton Payne

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How to make roast potato wedges

The final result, minus the wedge I couldn’t resist eating!

As much as I love mashed potato, sometimes I just want roasted potatoes with my chicken or burger. Here is my easy process, step by step. I use ‘baking’ potatoes, same as I use for mash.

  1. Scrub the potato with a vegetable brush under running water to clean.

  2. Dry the potato with paper towel.

  3. Preheat the oven to 425°F (or 375°F depending on what other veg you may be roasting alongside).

  4. Cut the potato in half, and then, with the half cut-side down on the board, cut each half into quarters. Keeping these quarters tight against each other with one hand, slice through two quarters at a time so that you now have eight wedges.

  5. Drizzle a baking tray with olive oil, spread the wedges over, and then pour more oil over the wedges to coat.

  6. Sprinkle liberally with salt (more than you might think!), black pepper, paprika (if desired — it adds nice colour and flavour), and herbs such as fresh rosemary.

  7. With an offset spatula, turn and mix the potatoes so that they are well covered in oil and seasonings.

  8. Cook in a traditional oven at 425°F, middle rack, for about 15 minutes, and then use the spatula to stir the potatoes and make sure they’re not sticking. Continue cooking until done and crispy, about another 15-20 minutes. The potatoes, when you take the tray out, should be nicely browned and ‘singing’. (If you’re cooking at a lower temperature to accommodate other root vegetables such as carrots or parsnips, plan on roasting the potatoes for a full 45 minutes, turning the heat up when the other veg is taken out.) If using a toaster oven, the temperature and cooking time will be reduced: try 350°F on the Bake or Bake Air option for ten minutes, and check the results so as not to burn but to roast evenly. Continue to cook, adjusting the temperature and time dial as needed

    And there you have it: delicious potatoes that are almost as good cold as hot!