Amanda Brighton Payne

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Maple Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie

I use a fairly dark amber maple syrup for this pie, but any genuine maple syrup will do. I suggest here a ‘lattice’ top, but I actually like doing this in a ‘tartan’ pattern of symmetrically alternating strips, thick and thin. A bit difficult to describe, so for now we’ll stick with ‘lattice’.

For the filling:

1 lb 12 oz / 790 grams fresh rhubarb, washed and ends trimmed

12 oz / 340 g strawberries (equal to a one-pound punnet minus 6-7 berries)

¼ teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon ground mace

4 Tablespoons or 1/4 cup maple syrup

For the glaze:

One beaten egg followed by a generous sprinkling of sugar. 

Blind-bake the bottom crust at 375° F / 177°C for about 20 minutes, until it’s a light golden brown.

Cut the rhubarb into roughly 2-inch lengths, arrange in a single layer on a baking tray and bake at 350° for about 20 minutes.

Hull the strawberries and halve the medium-sized ones. Quarter the large ones and leave small ones whole.

Mix the fruit, salt, and spice, and drizzle the quarter-cup of maple syrup over it. (I like a bit of tang: add more as you like.)

Roll out top dough and cut strips for lattice. Brush with beaten egg and dust with granulated sugar.